Ruach Training Schedule
- Categories
birmingham martial arts Children children's self defence cobrakai competition dave hazard Free fun Halesowen ippon karate kata kenilworth kumite leisure centre Martial Arts ninja Panda tots redditch karate Ren Shin Kan Halesowen Ronnie Christopher Self defence Sensei Sensei Gary Sensei Ronnie Christopher Shirley Shotokan Solihull Solihull karate stratford upon avon The Village Hotel tiny tigers training Tudor Grange

Black and Brown belt session with Sensei Ronnie Christopher is again being held on the first Sunday of the month at Bishop Challoner School.

Tudor Grange with Sensei Ronnie Christopher.
Sports and leisure Centre. Blossomfield Road ,Solihull. B91 1NB
Friday 18:00 to 19:00 normal class
and then
19:00 to 20:00 is Black and Brown Belts and Competition preparation for anyone else, with Sensei Ronnie Christopher.

Black and Brown belt session with Sensei Ronnie Christopher is again being held on the first Sunday of the month at Bishop Challoner School.

Tudor Grange with Sensei Ronnie Christopher.
Sports and leisure Centre. Blossomfield Road ,Solihull. B91 1NB
Friday 18:00 to 19:00 normal class
and then
19:00 to 20:00 is Black and Brown Belts and Competition preparation for anyone else, with Sensei Ronnie Christopher.

Black and Brown belt session with Sensei Ronnie Christopher is again being held on the first Sunday of the month at Bishop Challoner School.