Covid Safe Karate
At Ruach Karate the safety of the students has and always will be our primary focus. During these strange times I have moved our classes onto Zoom at the same times as our Sports Centre sessions to maintain as normal a routine as possible. Once training was allowed outdoors I embraced the opportunity and moved to the carparks and fields by our sports centre venues. Now we are back indoors at most of our sports centres and continue to follow the guidelines on safe training.
To make sure we complied with a safe training distance I commissioned a stand alone online booing system at where all Ruach students can book their sessions for the week and it includes a link to the lasted advice and guidance. The goal here is to keep students safe by not allowing classes to become overbooked and ensure we stay ahead of the preventative measure.
Taking advice from the UK Government we have in place a formal, proactive procedure to ensure you are safe during the class.
Our guiding principles are: Our commitment to you:
· Clean your hands regularly.
· Practice social distancing.
· Practice respiratory etiquette
We can help keep you and others safe by practising good infection prevention and control in our session.
How will we protect you?
Before the beginning of the class indoors we will:
- As a preventative measure, we will take your temperature
- all persons with a temperature of 38°C or more are restricted from entry into the class.
- We will ask you if you have any symptoms of Covid-19.
- If you have symptoms you will be asked to go home and follow government guidelines for reporting your condition.
The following ‘in class’ mandatory safety requirements will apply:
- No bare feet, suitable trainers are required- no laces.
- All mitts, head guards and water bottles to be clearly marked with students name.
- A hand cleaning station where all persons entering the class area will clean their hands.
- A ‘single user’ rule for all equipment i.e. focus pads, gloves etc may only be used by the one person in any class – all equipment will be appropriately cleaned after usage.
- Spectators to our martial arts class are not allowed.
- Parents dropping their children to class will not be permitted to stay in the class, they must wait outside in case a toilet break is required.
- Where possible classes will have a clearly sign posted separate entry and exit area.
- When conducting back to back classes, once classes are finished there will be no entry from those attending the next class until all those in previous class have left.
- Instructors will ensure that the following items form part of our ‘safety supplies’: hand sanitisers, disinfectant mops, microfibre cloths, gloves, paper towels.
- Instructors will ensure that cleaning and sanitising will occur before and after class and, where required during class.
- Instructors will ensure that any seating in the training area will be spaced a minimum of 2 metres apart.
- Students must book onto a session via to attend a session.
What If I Develop Symptoms of COVID-19?
If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), you must stay at home (self-isolate) and get a test.